I’ve been in a very creative space, an experimental space, and I like it. Let me rewind. During our meditation group, I woke up one morning with this feeling in my chest to begin a youtube channel with Jaime. I knew we had to start creating a youtube channel NOW! I was ready to begin and then…
Tip #1 on Creating a Youtube Channel: Don’t compare yourself to other Youtubers with experience
We’ve practiced creating youtube videos and it’s been hard. I’m rubbing up against something I really don’t like about my creative process: if i’m not immediately good at it, I get frustrated, compare myself to other’s work and then withhold my creation. Everything becomes kinda stagnant as I keep gathering practice but not sharing any of it. In other words, perfectionism.
It’s such an irritating way to get lost from a path that started out with such a pure desire to make something, to play, to experiment. At some point, it becomes a need for the thing to be a certain way, look a certain way, etc. It deflates the fun out of it and gets me in my own head.
I’m running up on that now. It’s tough to see other people’s youtube channels and not think, man how are you there? I know logically it’s practice. I have never done this. My capacity collaborating at the agency I previously worked at where video was one of our main deliverables was not the same as making videos myself. No way. I may have more experience than Jaime, for example, who really hasn’t touched it, but I am 100% a beginner just the same. It takes a lot of work to have a vision in your head of what you want to communicate and then go out and do it.
My takeaway? Keep creating and do not compare your beginner work to experienced youtubers. It’s not fair and it will only demotivate you. You need time to get to the point where you’re creating amazing youtube videos. You’ll only get there by sticking with it and keeping your eyes on your own work!

Tip #2 on Creating a Youtube Channel: Let go of expectations especially at the beginning
I spent hours learning and editing and produced a shitty little video. And, I know I should be proud because I learned some things! Yes, it’s shitty, but I can put it together! I can now add a few trimmings to videos, like music and transitions and even a button at the end to subscribe. But for my standards, which somehow are the same as experienced you tubers (LOL) it feels small and dumb and totally insignificant… and I wish I could tell you those feelings are directed at my shitty little video, but when I create, it’s personal. I am my creation, therefore, I am small, dumb and totally insignificant. That’s messed up, huh?
I read Big Magic again this year and Liz Gilbert wrote about this, about the theory or belief that you ARE NOT your creations. It feels similar to when I’ve heard that you are not your thoughts. You fire off a million thoughts every day, some involuntarily, others without enough information, all of it as you at that point in time and NOT who you are right now.
My takeaway? Let go of what you think the finished product, views, likes and comments need to look like. Keep going and you will get better results. Also, Youtube takes time. Your videos keep working for you once published. A video can so-so perform NOW and then in a few months it could have thousands of views. It’s happened to us. Stick with it.
Tip #3 on Creating a Youtube Channel: Think like a beginner!
Why can’t creating a youtube channel be an fun experiment? It can. I say this and want to feel it. But when i’m alone editing my video, all of a sudden it’s not an experiment anymore. It becomes personal. I want it to be as good as it can be, and obviously it CAN’T be that good because I am not a video prodigy and it’s my first time ever doing it.
My takeaway? Beginners are SO excited and creative. They’re full of ideas and energy. You want to keep that going as long as you can. It will help you get better on camera, at editing and in your craft. When we take ourselves out of that mindset and jump into “we know how this ends” we cut off solutions and creativity. YUCK!
Tactical tips & resources as you create your youtube channel:
I know the above didn’t get tactical, but I truly believe mindset is EVERYTHING. Who do you get to be to have a great channel that connects to your audience? Once you try that on, the tactics will come naturally. I took a beginner course here, which helped for sure. I youtubed a lot of how-to’s and I love Catherine Manning’s channel.
But in the end, all the tips in the world are NOT HELPFUL unless I believe in myself, stop comparing myself to others, drop my judgements and expectations, and do the damn thing anyway.
Wishing you so much luck and more on your creative journey.
Like this? You may be interested in our first viral video or subscribing to our channel!
Ps. Last piece of tactical advice? Get clear on your goals & desired audience and make a SHORT youtube trailer. Here’s ours 🙂