
Our next adventure starts now: Parenthood

were pregnant fertility journey

I guess nothing I type will be as good a follow up to the image for this post, eh?

Hey friends, we have some big news… we did a thing, or rather, we made a HUMAN!

March of 2022 will be a very interesting time for us as we welcome our first child to our family. It’s big stuff in a big year. I’ve written a bit on our challenges this year, going into our fertility journey more in depth in this post. 2021 was supposed to be a welcome respite from the dumpster fire of 2020, and to be honest, unpopular opinion here: 2021 has been way harder for us. 


2021 has been hard

Between the polarization going on in the world, our struggle with family planning and then opening up our two mountain bnbs… it’s been a shit ton of discomfort and growth. In retrospect, I’m sure this is one of those years that are a defining turning point, but while we’ve been in it… it’s been tough. To add to that, as you know, we both have our day jobs which have been depleting us slowly. Due to the pandemic causing a supply chain crisis (across the board on all industries) and staffing shortages, we’ve found ourselves doing the work of many with less resources and time. This has affected my husband more, which in turn affects our dynamic and ability to connect.


Looking ahead

But let’s not dwell on how hard things have been. We’re still very privileged to have jobs to be upset about, a home to be stressed about and a new business to be overwhelmed by. This truth doesn’t make my day-to-day experience different all the time, but sometimes I’m able to shift to a perspective of gratitude when I think about how lucky we really are. And we are very fortunate.


Our Story: conceiving, fertility & being pregnant

Jaime and I recorded a video for our youtube channel which goes into our story more in depth. It’s emotional, so there is your warning. We dropped into our vulnerability and it was important for me that we be transparent about our journey. On my darkest days of trying to conceive, I felt lonely and isolated. Reading people’s fertility stories (which is SO generous of them to share) made ALL the difference to me. I hope this honest story of our experience does that for someone. If nothing else, sharing it has taken some of the power away from this situation and put it back into my capable hands.

I experienced a lot of shame in my fertility journey, and shame is toxic in that it makes us want to hide it which only causes further damage inside of us. Being open has gifted me back my power and stripped away the embarrassment I used to have around how long it took us to become pregnant, the methods we chose and our feelings around conception.



Creativity & our future

Bring pregnant and creating life (plus the gift of my second trimester) has given me a renewed inspiration to live life more creatively. I’ve always been an artistic person, and that is what this space has become for me: a place to share the ways I make stuff and live a life of creativity in hopes it inspires you to do the same in your own unique ways. Ultimately, those are the blogs, youtube channels and podcasts I LOVE the most: the ones who share their creativity and inspire me to live that life.

A life lived in creative pursuit is infinitely more interesting for me than one led by money or material wealth. Plus, if you do it right, the wealth part falls into place and all that you need will be provided for.

So I’ve got some creative projects in the works, which I’ll announce here of course. I tend to gravitate towards the written word, obviously, but lately experimenting with different mediums, like video, has been so fulfilling. Not to mention, more collaborative projects. Writing is my first passion and a lifelong calling and companion, but I’m looking forward to doing more things in partnership with others. It’s a creative stretch for me and teaches me so much about my process.

Thanks for stopping by. As always, I’m sending you light & love,



Ps. If you liked this post, you may like my memior, Embrace That Girl.

Pss. If you’d like to follow our journey on Youtube, subscribe to my channel: http://bit.ly/SubscribeToTheGreeneHome

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