
Be The Thing You Want

This is a short post inspired by the holidays, which get a bad rep these days. If not the constant labeling as a consumer’s holiday that only benefits businesses, there’s also the big bag of stress people associate with this time of year. Though I’m not necessarily in disagreement with either of those points of view, I can’t help but wonder why anyone would want to create that kind of experience for themselves…

Be The Thing You Want

This advice comes to mind whenever I perceive people becoming a victim of their circumstance, myself included at times. My best friend will always ask, What do you want to experience?

Do you want to live a world where the holidays are a meaningless time here to benefit the rich and bring unwanted negativity into our lives? Or, do you want to take the time off and create something positive with it? No one is forcing you to spend all your money or be stressed, so why are you making that your reality?

It’s always up to us. We’re the authors of our life choosing what to experience on a minute-to-minute basis. Why not choose something good? Why not be the thing you want versus complain about the thing you hate thus leaving it free to wreak havoc on your life?


How do you feel about the holidays? Anything coming up for you? I wanna hear about it!

2 responses to “Be The Thing You Want”

  1. Maylise Avatar

    You are such a light. Thank you for being you and for sharing your life and what works for your life and happiness!! I love you!

    1. Cris Avatar

      Love you!! Thank you for being such a soul friend who constantly inspires me!