
Creating in a Relationship

We got married!

This is a short post to share that I am finally back to focusing on my work. These past few months, my attention was on a different type of creation, our marriage and wedding.

The entire experience was one of the best in my life. One hundred close family and friends celebrated for three days with us in Toledo, Spain! The experience was an intense outpouring of love and a serious realization of everything Jaime and I have created together.

The whole process gave me a new perspective on being in a relationship and how that in itself is the most fulfilling form of creativity there is. For me, it is a two person journey where my love and I get to constantly co-create our life together. It’s the ultimate creative collaboration and artistic expression. And that is exactly what our three-day wedding felt like.

We put together a bar crawl, a rehearsal lunch with more drinks following that and, of course, the big day. We selected every place in our bar crawl because we’ve had meaningful experiences there and some of the deepest conversations of our life… the very ones that lead us to marrying each other and bringing all the people we love to Europe! Everything was chosen with intention and the same level of care we bring to our relationship.

A few people asked me what my favorite moment was. It’s been a really difficult question to answer. I don’t think I can choose just one. However, there are a few moments that do stand out to me as special. While we were in the experience, we turned to each other at several points to take in what we’ve created. We spent a lot of time together allowing ourselves hang out without pressure and take in all the love. It was a high unlike any other.