
How are you?

Dropping in to ask sincerely: how are you?

Life lately has been hectic and creatively it’s been more of a low season for me. According to my horoscope, October is my lowest energy time of the year… coincidence? I don’t know the validity of that but it has been a slow month. All the gumption and plans I had in September have come to a halt. Work doubled, family stuff piled on, and I felt homesick for my soul sisters. We had an absolutely stressful visit to Miami, which left me drained energetically and emotionally. The silver lining was that driving away from Miami and towards North Carolina felt… good. Really good.

Our life here has begun to feel like our real life.

When we first moved here, it felt oddly like we had two lives. Our “real life” back home and then our “Bryson City life.” I’ve shared my struggles with moving, the ups and downs, but i’m really optimistic about this new phase emerging… It’s not exactly “a high,” it feels more like contentment with our life here snuck in the back door. All of a sudden, when I wasn’t paying attention, our friends here felt just as close as our friends back home, our house started to feel less like an investment and more like our sanctuary, and our surroundings feel less like cool things to do while visiting North Carolina and more like local life. It feels good in way that’s under the radar.

How are you?

How’s life? Are you ready for November and the holiday season that follows? Is Q4 kicking your butt just as much as it seems to be the rest of us?