
Inspirational Short Quotes About life.

The title about sums up today’s check in… Inspirational short quotes about life.

How are you? I hope you are well. I’ve been contemplative, rereading old journals and pulling out the motivational quotes about life I’ve written for a special audience, myself. And, well, now you too đŸ˜‰

My Artist Journey

I’ve just completed The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, the 12 week course which made morning pages and artist dates famous among creators. I’ve completed the journey before, but this time I did with with a fellow artist and I learned about the power of community. More than that, the value of being seen.

Self love are two words that make me immediately drop off. They are so overused. We all know we need it. And there’s no article that can teach it to you, so don’t worry, this isn’t that. But I will share that one big takeaway for me is that I get to be kinder to myself. The value of journaling and rereading it all is seeing in black and white all the things I accomplish (which I dismiss as not enough so easily) and also what crazy high standards I have set for myself.

Embrace That Girl has an instagram page. Bet you didn’t see that coming? Well, upon rereading my journals, I found myself highlighting a lot of great quotable lines that could support others. When I thought of all the ways I can share these insights, a blog post, a short book… an instagram account popped up as a fun way to reconnect with my book.

Fellow writers let me know if you agree, but once I “birthed” a book into the world, it was hard to reconnect with it. The story was completed on my part, but the journey was only beginning for my readers. I thought creating a literal account in the voice of my book, Embrace That Girl, would be… fun. I’m having a great time with it.

Positive Life Quotes on the gram

Here are a few recent shares. I hope you enjoy them!


Ps. If you liked this, you may like 5 Lessons I’ve Learned From The Artist’s Way and Big Magic: Finding New Lessons in an Inspiring Reread


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