
Moving to a Small Town

I try to keep this blog focused on my creative passions and soul searching. Its intention was never to be a full-on update on my personal life. I’m learning though, there is a thin veil of separation when it comes to work and home life. Eventually, I made a little space on this web site for the overlap because I found it was impossible to avoid. Real life is complex and interconnected, especially if you’re living a creative one.

Recently, I moved to Bryson City, North Carolina. It’s a small town in Western North Carolina, about an hour away from Asheville. I shared some of the reasons why we moved here because it was largely a lifestyle choice that affects my work. Being here in the mountains gives me space to connect with the natural world around me. This deepens my understanding of my place in the world, which in turn positively affects my creative expression and inspiration. But, I’d be remiss to say it isn’t an adjustment. Coming from a big city, with all the creature comforts, living in a small place makes day-to-day life more challenging.

Yes, I had a miniature freakout over where to shop for clothing. I rarely shop for new clothes, by the way. Still, struck with the possibility of a future devoid of the ability to buy new jeans, I panicked. Bit by bit, we’re sorting out what life looks like here. I’m pleased to say it won’t be one without the ability to shop hah.

Jokes aside, it was hard at first. However, these last two weeks have marked a positive turning point. Life here is beginning to not only make sense, but it may even be really nice. We met some great locals who are sweet, welcoming and authentic. Really amazing people who are making a big difference in Bryson City, this charming little town that is now our home. It’s so encouraging to see what they’re creating and what that means for this special place.

On a selfish note, I’m thrilled to have new friends! This makes such a big difference, I can’t even begin to describe it to you. Connection is vital. In fact, it’s a HUGE part of why we came here. Looking back now, I guess it’s silly to think we wouldn’t find connection when moving here seeing as how it was part of our purpose. We want to create connection! To each other and to this big beautiful world of which we are an integral part. Little by little it’s all falling into place.

That isn’t to say there aren’t hard days. Bryson City is truly seasonal living… and we moved during its off season. At times it can feel like a ghost town. But, again, we created this. We came here to experience what it is to live in the countryside, to be in a place where the pace of life follows nature’s. And as much as the creature comforts are missed, there is something refreshingly joyful about living in a place that lovingly brings back the focus to life’s simplest pleasures. The great outdoors, friends, time with the love of my life.

I think I can get used to this 😉


Ps. Pictured above is a candid shot of me in Bryson City during our engagement party, an entire year before we even considered moving here. We can only connect the dots looking back, as Steve Jobs once said in his famous commencement speech. When I experience one of the rare moments when I can make those connections, I like to really take it in. It gives me faith I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be.