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My 2020 word & a look back at the year I became imperturbable

How was 2019 for you? Was it a hard year? Easy breezy? Joyful? Sad?

For me, 2019 was the year I became imperturbable. I didn’t seek it out at first. It’s an odd word that sounds clunky. It was never part of my vocabulary. In fact, I had to look it up with the help of my husband because I found myself coming back to this quality I couldn’t quite name. I was imploring my higher power to give me strength, but what I was searching for seemed somewhat different. It wasn’t simply strong, it was unshakable yet peaceful.

imperturbable: marked by extreme calm, impassivity and steadiness: serene. 

When I found it I knew it was what I had been searching for. Imperturbable held the promise of a power I wanted desperately to evoke. The inherent strength of being calm never occurred to me before. It felt boring even. But a calm mind is clear, it can identify opportunities, it will catch things a scattered or reactive mind will not. Couple that with a steadiness so serene, nothing will perturb you, and you’ve got my 2019 word.

Going into 2020 I have a new word, play.


Having acquired a shiny new imperturbable layer, I’m walking into this next era with frisky curiosity. I cannot wait to replace the weightier lessons of the past with a lighter, mischievous spirit.

What will 2020 be about for you? What’s your 2020 word?