
Show up and create something!

I’ve been thinking long and hard about what I want to contribute to the world and what this blog means to me. As a creative person, I’ve had a ton of great ideas but also… a ton of projects in general. It’s tough to stick to one thing! It can feel messy sometimes. I’ve got my book that I’m still working through, this blog, a family blog with my hubby, the freelance work I do with a select few clients and the bigger vision project Jaime and I are working on. It’s A LOT and sometimes I feel like I’m breaking the cardinal rule most successful people recommend: stick to ONE thing and become a known expert in that. Yeah, I pretty much knew that wouldn’t be my bag, and even if it costs me some modicum of success I’m willing to take the hit.

My closest friends tell me it’s clear to them how all these different projects align with my overall goal of adding more joy to the world by raising the collective consciousness. But we share so many conversations and bottles of wine, it just doesn’t seem a fair comparison to the outside world. So I thought long and hard about what I want. And two bold statements came up, one of which resonated more with me at this point: Show Up and Create Something.

I’ve always been encouraged since I was young to be creative. I always felt my best as a kid when I was making something and to this day that still feels true. I honestly believe we are all creative and meant to feel the genuine bliss that comes from expressing who you are and making something for others to enjoy. Over the years, self development and awareness became an integral part of that process. I realized how I show up to a brainstorm, a night out with friends or even the grocery store, can transform that experience from amazing to shitty REAL QUICK.


Show up and create something


Show Up: How we show up in life is everything. Your presence creates the context for your life. And it’s not just how you show up for the manageable aspects of your life, it’s what happens when you’re tempted to react and instead: pause, get off it and show up as your higher self. The way we are, our being-ness, alters the results of anything we participate in. So SHOW UP in excellence, openness and love.

Create: We get to bring something forth from within ourselves out into the world! We have the chance to make something out of nothing! We’re all here to create and we do it every day whether we call it that or not. It can be a physical or intellectual work of art, performance, service… even something as intangible yet vital as kindness.

Show up and create something is a call to action to show up as the leader you are and contribute your authentic expression into our world because we need you.


When we show up as ourselves we allow others to be seen


We send the message that we’re not alone. There is power when we show up as who we really are and create something for everyone to share in. It’s movement and community and hope.

I’m doing the best I can with what I have. I take this to heart every day making an effort to show up fearlessly real. I don’t always succeed. Some days I get distracted from my truth by comparing myself to others or feeling like a failure. It takes a heavy pair to keep showing up despite the moments that test our resolve. I know it.

But when all the noise threatens my happiness, I do my best to drop into the simple act of creating. I can create happiness in a room with a smile. It’s that simple.

I hope this message inspires you in some way. I hope today you show up and create something.

