
Stream of Consciousness Journaling: What It Is & Why You Should Do It

I realize journaling is a huge trend and there are many ways to approach this highly beneficial practice. I’ve always journaled in several ways my entire life, most notably in diary style for myself, but also for brainstorming, note-taking and random bursts of inspiration.

Stream of Consciousness Journaling

The insights I’m going to sharing today come from the diary style journaling, or stream of consciousness journaling. Purists will say it is essential to do so in a physical notebook. While I love a good notebook–– I have several stacked around–– for stream of consciousness journaling I am admittedly a typer. My mind simply has too much to share too quickly for me to capture it all longhand. This is my method, but again, there are people who insist taking pen to paper will yield the best stream of consciousness journaling. Do what works for you!

The Process

Step 1: Wake up in the morning and make coffee (this is always step 1 for me before anything hah)

Step 2: Write whatever comes to mind. Literally.

Important to note: Ideally, I have not checked my phone or text or email because it will get me out of a fresh mind and into other thoughts and to do’s. I use my Evernote app on my computer, so I don’t need to go online and have someone else set the agenda for what my morning thought process will look like!

Why You Should Do It

I’ve been doing this regularly in 2019 as part of my goal for the year, and I must say, it’s truly been a miracle. While the hipster in me is itching to say I journaled before it was cool, I must admit, its newfound hype exists for good reason.

I simply let out my thoughts and, as if by magic, insights come out I had no idea where inside me. I’m beginning to bridge the gap about things right on the page. Issues come up followed by solutions and reasons why. I understand myself better and by giving myself permission to write whatever comes to mind, I’m practicing showing up in authenticity too.

It’s not always about solving problems. Sometimes it’s juicy bits of inspiration and lessons learned that have been inside me but I’ve never taken the time to articulate or record them. One of my favorite parts is going back to read older entries. It allows me to see concretely how far i’ve come!

Do you journal? What does your process look like?

12 responses to “Stream of Consciousness Journaling: What It Is & Why You Should Do It”

  1. Shasta Avatar

    Hi there! Such a wonderful write-up, thank you!

    1. Cris Avatar

      Thank you!! 😜

  2. Lorenza Avatar

    Do you have any ideas for writing short articles? That’s where I always battle and also I simply finish
    up gazing empty screen for very long time.

    1. Cris Avatar

      You know, the best way I know how to write anything is to be curious. You’ll see so many things that are worth writing about in your everyday life by simply making that shift. Journaling helps too! Tons of inspiring ideas come out you never knew were inside you!

  3. Novella Avatar

    Your website has exceptional content. I bookmarked the site

    1. Cris Avatar

      Well thank you very much Novella! This made me blush ☺️

  4. Alejandrina Avatar

    Hi there! Such a great post, thanks!

    1. Cris Avatar

      Thanks for taking the time to tell me Alejandrina! Hope this helps your journal practice!

  5. Dolly Avatar

    Could you inform me what style are you utilizing on your site?
    It looks good.

    1. Cris Avatar

      Thanks Dolly! This was a labor of love. It’s a paid WordPress template called Blogger. Check it out here: https://gbthemes.net/portfolio/blogger-wordpress-theme/

  6. Velda Avatar

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    1. Cris Avatar

      Thanks Velda! Please feel free to keep stopping by 🙂