Tag: creativity
Hi… I had a baby. I’m back (kind-of).
Hi friends, it’s been a while since I have written here. And I’ve been thinking about why… at times I’m so attached to the way things need to look. And when I am stuck on the way something has to be, I miss out. Case and point, not posting for months on this blog and…
I’ve been in a very creative space, an experimental space, and I like it. Let me rewind. During our meditation group, I woke up one morning with this feeling in my chest to begin a youtube channel with Jaime. I knew we had to start creating a youtube channel NOW! I was ready to begin…
Hello dear friends. I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching recently, and I wanted to share this thoughtful conversation about aligning with your creativity and being the author of your life.
For the last three years, I’ve been compelled to snap photos of objects for no reason other than they’re pleasing to me. These aren’t photos I share or post, but I keep them on my phone and something about them makes me happy. I didn’t get rid of them even when I deleted photos because…
There are few things I can say have changed the course of my life… this book, meeting my husband… discovering leave-in conditioning. You know, big stuff.
We all have ideas. Whether you believe they posses the same magic as I do, everyone has experienced the various ways ideas come to you, leave you, and once in a while, are made manifest through you.
I’ve been thinking long and hard about what I want to contribute to the world and what this blog means to me. As a creative person, I’ve had a ton of great ideas but also… a ton of projects in general. It’s tough to stick to one thing!