Tag: self acceptance

  • 2018: A {Crazy} Good Year

    The words that come to mind right now are: we did it. We got married in Spain. We moved far away. We bought a home! The perfect starter home that I’m sitting in right now. I have a steaming (reheated) cup of coffee and a straight view of The Smoky Mountains.

  • Book Review: Many Love, A Memoir of Polyamory and Finding Love(s)

    I devoured Many Love, A Memoir of Polyamory and Finding Love(s) by Sophie Lucido Johnson in a week! Although I‘m not polyamorous, I found learning about a different way to be in a relationship fascinating. There are so many layers to uncover in this story unveiling the process of creating an entirely new arrangement that works…


    Something sinister happened this week. I was sitting in my office making edits to my book when a flood of ghostly memories made themselves known again. My body went flush with horror as I had a physical reaction to That Girl, my girl, me only ten years ago. She sat next to me fully visible, every…