Tag: writing a book

  • Pros and Cons of Self Publishing

    Hello dear friends, today I want to talk about a topic that comes up with a lot of writers I’ve connected with. The decision of how to publish: traditional or independently.

  • My Writing Routine: 7 Steps

    Fresh coffee in hand, I settle into my “grandpa chair.” This is my writing spot as of late. It’s an old thrift find that’s olive green (or the color of cat poop, as my husband says) with a missing spring. My vintage throne sits in the corner of our small office. The chair and desk…

  • Advice For Independent Artists, Writers, Freelancers and Business Owners

    Last week, I had a heartfelt exchange with an independent artist finding their way towards sustainable fashion. It’s really hard to go against the way things are, she told me. I’m trying to stick to my ideals and offer value, and there’s simply no template for what I want to do right now in the…

  • 3 Tips on how to write a book

    In a startlingly depressing statistic I read recently, only 3% of people actually finish writing their novel… which means 97% of people have the best intentions and end up quitting somewhere along the way. Here’s my advice on how to be the 3%.