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The #1 Reason And Approach to Start Something New

Why is starting something new difficult? It can be intimidating and hard for a bunch of reasons. However, I believe if you start something new it will 100% change your whole life!

Hey friends, today’s post is an excuse to share a recent vlog I made as I was taking The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, a 12-week course in a book to get your creative juices re-inspired. This book has changed my relationship with creativity prompting me to look at the spiritual and life-changing value being an artist gives me. I’ve shared a bit about this journey in the past with Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, a similar book I highly recommend to reinvigorate creativity in your life and see it’s value from a different lens.

Start Something New

Here’s why I think you should start something new. When we begin something new, we make ourselves a beginner. Being a beginner is such a beautiful, free, experimental place to be. There’s so much possibility when we are beginners. We’re open to learning, we see new perspectives, and this eye opening approach will undoubtedly have a positive effect on all aspects of our lives. Who couldn’t use a fresh pair of eyes for their life? I sure could. 🙋🏻‍♀️

Be a beginner (VLOG)

Being a beginner is for sure the #1 approach to starting something new (in my humble opinion). It’s changed my life! Yes, really. I tend to think I know everything there is to know about certain subjects that are familiar to me, especially if it’s something I’ve been at for a long time. This comfort, or laziness, leads to close minded thinking. I hate to admit that, but it’s human nature and it definitely shows up in my space. So, for me, starting something new gave me the gift of a beginner’s mindset.

Since starting a youtube channel with my husband, I’ve felt inspired, experimental, playful… being a beginner has low expectations. Nothing kills anything in life like unmet expectations LOL, so for me, this is probably the BIGGEST benefit by far. I feel less shy about messing up, being goofy and generally taking it all less seriously.

The # 1 Reason to Start Something New Today

Okay, I think I’ve sort of answered this question already… but I want to emphasize the value of changing our mindset. When you start something new, it’s a natural way to trick your brain into getting into that beginner mindset. For me, it’s tough to be a beginner, especially in areas of my life I feel like an expert in… like my relationship. I’ve been with my husband for almost 10 years, but when I can look at him with curiosity, I learn new things about him. That feels so much better than assuming I know all there is to know. The things, people and circumstances in your life can still surprise you… if you let them.

Also, it’s fun. That’s it, no big finale here just common sense. My life has been real freakin’ serious lately. I’ve been working full time, starting a side hustle business, refinancing (a pivotal step in my journey to financial freedom), plus all the personal stuff, like eating well, committing to yoga, being present in my relationship, training a new dog… it’s felt like a lot. I’m undoubtedly blessed to have these things on my plate, and I remind myself often of that, but I’m also one person. So, my perfectionism can get the better of me and overwhelm happens.

Starting something new has felt like a breath of fresh air, an opportunity to see things like a child does… which leads me to my next and last point…

The Value is Not in The End Result

I touch on this in the video above. Our society has trained us to only put our time and effort towards something that will yield a product (or result). We are not taught to do things for the enjoyment of them. We are not taught the value of doing something is in the process and effort of doing it. We are taught it’s only valuable based on the outcome.

I get to remind myself that the value is in the process now that I’ve had our youtube channel for a year now (it’s not that “new” anymore). At first, I did it for the pure enjoyment of learning something new, staying connected with family and friends, and the possibility of connecting with other people. And, over time, productivity’s persnickety head has tried to rain on my parade by saying things like, if this isn’t going to get a certain number of views… what’s the point? If you don’t want to be a famous Youtuber, what’s the point?

What’s the point? To have fun. I feel really lame for having to remind myself of that. It’s led to moments when I’ve legitimately wondered, am I not fun? Which is total BS because I’m actually super fun 😉  Starting something new and being a beginner really helps me reconnect with that child-like spirit. Kids don’t think about the “time and energy investment” of doing things… they simply do them because it’s fun.

I’m giving you a big hug and a high give of encouragement today should you need it. Start something new. Anything. You won’t regret it, I promise.


Ps. If you liked this article, you may like our Youtube Channel, The Greene Home. Subscribe here. We share our life in the mountains as we build our dream, connect with nature and try to be the best version of ourselves.

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