
The Simplest Relationship Tip

I believe the sweetest moments in any relationship come down to the little things.

An extra chocolate bar or card picked up on an errand, just because. Or maybe even a small token on a day that warrants some extra affection. There are so many kind ways to show our beloved that we care… and today I want to share one really special and simple way to transform your relationship.

The Simplest Relationship Tip

The most beautiful (and easy) relationship tip I ever heard was from my husband in our vows. He made this promise:

I promise to always greet you with enthusiasm. – Jaime Greene (my hubby)

That’s it. Short n’ sweet, which is totally his style. In fact, I nearly let it pass me by as I enjoyed a string of well-thought and hilarious promises. This one was by far the simplest and most profound.

It’s tempting to get caught up in the muck of our day-to-day lives, putting our enthusiasm into everything outside of each other. It’s so refreshing when we can come back to ourselves with excitement. Actually, it’s a no brainer, but how often do we give the best of ourselves to everything but our relationship?

Quarantine, and the pandemic at large, has given me a lot of time to think (as I’m sure you can relate). In fact, I felt like I fell in love with my husband all over again due to the fact that we made it a point to be present with each other. And in effect, enthusiastic about the little things. It’s amazing how fast we began to see the extraordinary in life’s regular moments.

I selfishly share this with you today because we saw our wedding video recently and that line jumped out at me. Two years later, and the best times we’ve ever experienced are when we are eager to spend time together.

Do you have any simple (or not so simple) relationship tips you love? Any advice passed down or promises made in vows? 

Ps. If you liked this, you may like my book, Embrace That Girl.

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One response to “The Simplest Relationship Tip”

  1. xmc Avatar

    Fantastic article:D Going to require a decent amount of time to think about this blog!!