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When Procrastination Strikes: Remember, Be Obsessive With Your Vision

I’ve been procrastinating on finishing my book. Every time I think of it so much disappointment builds I end up avoiding it more. It’s painful to want something so bad and yet not commit to finishing it.

Have you ever struggled with this? I find myself at an impasse feeling a bit ashamed and embarrassed when good friends ask about my book’s progress and my only answer is: I haven’t touched it in months. In my defense, though it’s not an excuse, I had a hell of a year. There’s been a lot on my plate, emotionally and otherwise, but still. I feel like I’ve lost valuable momentum and instead replaced it with guilt. I hate that. I hate thinking of my passion as anything but an amazing release, something I’m made to do for fun.

Be Obsessive With Your Vision 

I read this in an old notebook this week and it felt like the message was meant to reach me now. Be obsessive with your vision. I haven’t been lately, though I was at one point obsessed with finishing this book, obsessed with writing the best story I can.


Do you have a vision you’re obsessed with?

I’ve read from countless sources that the only way to guarantee any success is to be relentlessly excited about your work. If you’re not excited about doing it and sharing it, why should anyone else be excited about it? That really resonated with me.

Sometimes I can be shy or doubtful about what I do, or hesitate to share it because people may make fun of me… or worse, not care. But starting with this in mind creates the context to make that fear real. And the truth is, I am really passionate about what I write. I don’t write about topics to get views or do what’s popular, I share what I’m working through in an honest way. Whether it’s blog posts or works of fiction, the stories I share are about connecting. And what can be more exciting than sharing something that contributes to a vision of a more conscious world? Nothing if you ask me.

So, that’s my current course of action: getting reinvested and obsessive with my vision.