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When you feel discouraged… do this. (Vlog)

when you feel discouraged, stick with it

This is a story about not giving up.

It’s hard to have faith when you feel discouraged and maybe a bit hopeless.

At various points in my life, successful people on the other side of the work, the people standing where I want to be, have all had this same advice for when you’re feeling discouraged or stuck: your success is in sticking with it.

This week, my husband and I have been reminded of this lesson in various aspects of our lives…

We uprooted our lives two years ago and took a chance moving to the mountains to live out our dream. It hasn’t been easy. We were tested to see how bad we really wanted it. Today, we’re sharing what we believe is the key to your success… in the shape of a 5-part story. Also, we welcomed a new member to our family! Please say hello to Mia, our newest fur baby. She joins our other pup, Bo.

when you feel discouraged, don't give up!

When you feel discouraged… don’t give up.


Here are the 5 steps to succeed at anything. Seriously, we’ve boiled this pattern down in so many areas of our lives. Think of these like inevitable stages we go through to make what we want happen.

Life can be simple. It’s when we take a step back and see the bigger picture that we can likely appreciate how much harder we’re making it on ourselves with our resistance. I hope these 5 steps resonate with you and make it easier to have a little faith and keep going. I’ll bet you can easily see where you’ve fallen into them. Maybe you’re in one right now.

First, you have an idea.

This is manifestation at work, as Abraham Hicks would say. I believe it. The first part to succeeding at anything is having an idea come to you.

Second, you state your intention and put things in motion.

Once you’ve entered into a contract with this idea (which simply means you’re ready to take it on), stating your intention to follow through is the next step. This can look like sharing it with a friend, or journaling about it 😉

Third, the universe grants you beginner’s luck to keep you motivated.

One of my favorite anecdotes from Paulo Coelho is the idea that the universe (God, or whatever higher power you subscribe to) wants us to embark on our journey. We are here on earth for our souls to evolve, and in that sense, God meets us halfway with a show of encouragement. Or, beginner’s luck, as we like to call it.

“Every search begins with beginner’s luck. And every search ends with the victor’s being severely tested.” – Paulo Coelho

This quote is the perfect segway to step 4…

Fourth, you get tested.

How bad do you want it? This is delay, the failure, the bump in the road that makes you question if it’s even worth it anymore. This is the work. If you’ve ever wanted anything, you know this step well.

Hopelessness can set in as we fear we’ll never succeed.

How you choose to respond to the test decides if you will show up for the fifth step.

We believe the test is a pivotal fork in the road. This is the weeding out moment that happens, it’s what experts say separates the success stories from those who gave up. This is when we’re called to have faith.

Fifth: When you feel discouraged… don’t give up. (this the most important step!)

This week, we’ve been tested, and that has prompted this entire analysis. We see the pattern, we know it well (I’m sure you do too). And yet, it’s SO hard to remember when we’re in the middle of that test. It’s been a particularly hard time for me, as I struggle with some personal issues I plan to share in a separate post. But for now, I take solace in the certainty that if I keep showing up, I will succeed. And so will you.

I am sending you all the love and light in the world. Know you are not alone.

With grace,



Ps. If you liked this, you may like my book, Embrace That Girl.

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